If you wanna find out about the work I did for Minecraft, check out the following two albums. If you want to find out about my other work, just keep scrolling and check out any of my albums. You can freely listen to any of my work on this site.

Hi, I'm Daniel and I make music.
You probably know me from Minecraft
I’ve just launched a merch line! Check it out here!
If you want to know more about me, need some permission info or just want to talk about me, then try this link!
The Music of Minecraft
The original and official Minecraft soundtrack
All of my music
feel free to browse and listen to any of these albums
Want to contact me? You can send me a mail here!
A few things to note though: I do get LOTS and LOTS of emails every day, and I will most likely not be able to respond to you. I absolutely read every single email though! If you need to inquire about business stuff, you can contact my manager, Patrick! His email is Patrick (that at email symbol) threepm.net